Friday, March 31, 2017

10 Diet and Fitness Tips

One of our greatest life wishes is to stay fit and healthy. WE have put together 10 tips to help you achieve your fitness goals.

1. Stay Hydrated - Whether you're heading off to spin class, boot camp, or any other exercise, it's always important to hydrate so you can stay energized and have your best workout.

2. Workout Partner - Get a workout partner who is hugely helpful for keeping motivated, but it's important to find someone who will be an inspiration.

3. Cold Bath - Relieve post-fitness aches by submerging your lower body in a cold bath (50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit; you may have to throw some ice cubes in to get it cold enough) for 10 to 15 minutes.

4. Comfortable Sneakers - Your workout shoes should feel comfortable. Try shopping for workout shoes in the evening as your feet swells during the day. You want to shop when they're at their biggest. Also make sure the sneakers are a little roomy; enough so that you can wiggle your toes, but no more than that. They should be comfy from the get-go.

5. Monitor your portions - Think about cutting your serving of beef in half. That's because it's best to try and fill half your plate with veggies or a mixture of veggies and fresh fruit.

6. Limit Cocktail – Take water in between drinks during your cocktail hour. You’ll avoid accumulating sneaky liquid calories.

7. No guilt for Ice Cream - It takes a lot of calories; about 3,500 to gain a pound of body fat. That one off day doesn't usually result in any significant weight gain. So, don’t feel guilty about that giant ice cream sundae you enjoyed during a shopping break. So be sure to whittle away at those extra calories over the next day or two, preferably by boosting exercise rather than eating too little. Starvation is not the healthy answer!

8. Party behavior – A weekend night out may alter your diet plan especially at a birthday, wedding, or dinner party. Try taking an extra 15-minute walk around your office each day, then, go on and indulge a bit at the soiree, guilt free. Another party trick? Enjoy a 100-calorie snack before a celebration, which can help you eat fewer munchies at the event.

9. Increase exercise - increase your exercise routing by about 5 to 10 percent per week.

10. Fuel for Fitness - Eat food that will help keep you going strong. For breakfast, opt for a high-carbohydrate meal. Try a whole-grain English muffin or a bagel with peanut butter or a low-fat cream cheese. Then, have a well-rounded meal post-workout to help with recovery. One to two slices French toast with a side of fruit. "The protein-to-carbohydrate ratio is perfect for enhancing my recovery.  

Sunday, March 5, 2017

The definition of Endometriosis by Dr. Abayomi Ajayi

March is the official Endometriosis month and institutions around the world dedicate this time to spread awareness about the Medical condition. In Nigeria, the Chief convener and Medical Director of Nordica Fertility Center; Dr. Abayomi Ajayi emphasized the fact that Endometriosis is one of the most common gynecological problems in Women which is most often misdiagnosed.
Dr. Abayomi Ajayi 
Dr Ajayi with Tosan Aduayi

He defined Endometriosis as a chronic disease where tissues that are normally found lining the womb are found elsewhere in the body. These tissues form lesions which are often found on the ovaries and other organs within a woman’s pelvis. In very rare cases, they could be found in the lungs and brain. During menstruation, these lesions bleed in their respective locations outside the womb. This can cause inflammation and the formation of scar tissues leading to pain. Endometriosis can cause ovarian cysts which can become large and painful.

The most common symptoms are chronic pelvic pain, period pain and pain during or after sexual activity. Other symptoms can include fatigue, painful bowel movements during periods and back pain. Between 30-50% of women with endometriosis experience some degree of infertility. The pain caused by endometriosis is both physical and mentally exhausting and can have an impact on all aspects of a woman’s life.

Through the years, the advocacy group has created awareness about this condition while ensuring that certain myths associated with endometriosis are relegated. Nordica Fertility center in conjunction with other international medical facilities are partnering to research into this ailment. Rebates are offered to patients seeking treatment and support groups are created to ensure consistent counseling to sufferers. There is no known medical cure to date but it can be treated and contained. For more information, visit;

Tosan Aduayi is the founder of Starite Care and publisher of Trendy Africa Magazine. He can be reached on; 

Saturday, March 4, 2017

10 Healthy Living Tips

  1.       Exercise Regularly
  2.       Eat healthy; Consume more Organic food, vegetables, drink lots of water
  3.       Avoid smoking
  4.       Consume alcohol in moderation; if you have to
  5.       Wear safety ornaments; seat-belts, helmets
  6.       Go for regular medical checkups
  7.       Help others by volunteering
  8.       Practice Stress Relief
  9.       Get enough daily sleep; up to 7 hours

  10.   Live life in the moment and don’t just be a workaholic